Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Liebster Award :)

So, I follow oodles of fellow adoptive mommas regularly and one of them is a sweet mom whose daughter is named Lia! Love the name, by the way! ;)  She stumbled across my blog not long after I began blogging and has stuck through the highs and lows of our adoption with me. She has cheered me on and offered encouragement along the way. Thank you, Ally! Stop by her blog, say hello (insert waves), and follow her as she documents the day to day fun and joy living life with her adorable Lia Jill.

Ally from Even Miracles Take a Little Time nominated me for a Liebster Award. Umm, I am not sure what a Liebster Award is exactly but I am player.  

The rules are that I am to thank the blogger that nominated me (Thank you Ally!), answer 11 questions that she asks me, and then nominate 5-11 bloggers and give them new questions to answer.

Ok, are you ready? Here it goes! All you ever wanted to know about me:

Ally asked,

 How did you come up with your blog name?
We are on a journey to get our daughter Lia Grace so it just made sense to name it "Our Journey to Lia Grace". I know, it is not terribly original but it seemed logical to us. :)
What is your guilty pleasure?
Easy~ that would be anything chocolate! I love sweets, especially chocolate but definitely do NOT need to consume it. I also enjoy watching the Bachelor on ABC. Shhhhh.....our secret.
What is your favorite movie?
 I have a few but I guess I would say Sweet Home Alabama.
What is the BEST book you have ever read?
You know, I can't say. I read daily and there have been many that I have really enjoyed, but the one that I rely on and still learn the most from would be God's word-the Bible.
Where is your favorite place to vacation?
Anywhere a ship will take me! I absolutely LOVE cruises.
What is your least favorite "chore" to do?
Grocery shopping and a very close second, in fact they really should tie for first place,  and folding laundry and putting it away. Don't believe me? Ask my mister or my mother.
If you could live anywhere where would it be?
Hilton Head Island, SC. My family has been going there since I was a little girl, and I LOVE being near the water.
What was the best gift given to you as a child? And what was the occasion?
A Mickey Mouse telephone. When I was 6. Yes, I am serious. The occasion was well, umm, I saw it in the store window and wanted it. Yea, just a tad spoiled loved. I don't like talking on the phone now. At all. Coincidence?
What 2 things would you NOT give up for a million dollars?
My family (which includes the Yorkie and yes, I am serious) and my faith. At the end of the day, it is all we have left. True story.
What is your favorite beverage?
Wine! I  mean grapejuice. Not red, only white. And no, I do NOT need an intervention.
What is your greatest fear?
Besides this wait never ending? Kidding! Totally joking. Failing my family. I love my family and want them to see Christ in me. I want to leave a legacy and point them to the throne so I don't ever have to be without them. (Yes, this does include the Yorkie. *winks)
Ok, I nominate the following mommas to keep this going now.

Leah @ The Sweet Family Life
Tera @ September Sweeties
Kelleyn @ Traveling Bug
Jennifer @ Adventures of Team Taylor!
Maureen @ Finding Mei Mei
Your questions are:
1. How did you come up with your blog's name?
2. What was or has been your favorite part of the journey?
3. What is your favorite dessert?
4. If you were stuck someplace for a long time, what 3 items MUST you have with you?
5. Beach or mountains for a vacay? Why?
6. What is your guilty pleasure?
7. Where is the most exotic place you've ever traveled?
8. What is the strangest food you have ever consumed? Where was it?
9. What are the 2 things you would NOT give up for a million dollars?
10. Where did you attend college? What did you major in?
11. Do you plan to adopt again? If so, approximately when, what country from, and what sex child?
 Well, that was fun. Thank you again Ally for the nomination. I look forward to reading the other mommas blogs too! :)

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