Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas at Grandpa and Grandma's

I didn't expect to post again so soon but knew I would need to once the older kids admitted that they had "packaged snooped" and found a gift for Lia Grace tucked under the Christmas tree at my parent's house.                                                                                                                                       
We let the older kids open her present in her absence this year.
I know I had mentioned to my mom that we wanted to get Lia a nice baby doll for her arrival home but we didn't aggressively look for one as we knew that we still had plenty of time to shop for one for her. The doll my parents got her is perfect and beautiful! Her name is Calin Yang, and we will keep her in her box until Lia is home to receive her.
So, I guess in a small way, we did have a "mei mei" home with us at Christmas. We are looking forward to next year and can't wait to share Lia Grace's first Christmas with her!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas!

"We all have a past, but thank God, we all have a future."
Joyce Meyer
Merry Christmas! As we have prepared for the season and celebrated with family, we have not forgotten about the daughter who is not here with us this year. She has a tree in her room just like her brother and sister, she has a stocking hung, and she even had some presents under the tree waiting for her. (Santa delivered early this year due to our travel plans, and Lia Grace was not forgotten. Santa delivered her a new mini back pack, a ladybug sippy cup, and the board book Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You for the long plane ride home from Ch*na.) She is part of our conversations and preparations, and there is no doubt that we all look forward to next Christmas with Lia Grace home.

Lia's tree topper is her first "mei mei" plush toy that will be sent to her in her first care package.

I ordered these beautiful handmade wired ornaments from Scarlet Threads for her tree. They are the Chinese characters for Grace, Family, Faith, Blessing, Love, and Hope.
Lia's stocking was also hung by the fireplace with care. :)
But, at the same time my heart hurts so much. I hurt because I know that a world away there sits millions of orphans in institutions who don't know what Christmas is about. They don't know anything about our Savior. They don't know the word love or what it means to be loved. They don't know what family is or what it means to be a part of a family. They don't know what it means to feel safe. They don't know if their needs will be met or how long they will have to wait for those needs to be met. They don't know what it is like to have something to call their very own.
I placed the quote from Joyce Meyer on this post because I want our daughter to understand that our past does not define us. She doesn't have, or even know about the joys of Christmas now, but she will. Boy, will she ever!
We cannot wait to point her to the throne, teach her about Christ, and help her hide away His words in her heart. We cannot wait to decorate trees (all of them! If you know us, you know we have ALOT!), bake cookies for Santa, visit and take pictures with Santa, open gifts, and listen to the giggles that come with it. We cannot wait to tell her the words, "We love you.", give her hugs and kisses, and prove to her that no matter where we go or what she does, she will NEVER be an orphan again. We cannot wait to introduce her to her grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, extended family, and friends. She has no idea how many people love her already and have been praying for her. We cannot wait for Lia Grace to see that she does have things that she can call "her very own".

 A friend sent this to me and I wanted to share it. It is a beautiful tribute to all the children and families who are waiting.
As always, please keep praying.
And from our home to yours...
Merry CHRISTmas!
Matthew 1:18- 2:23

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Wow! That was fast! As of today we are officially logged in with the CCCWA. *insert happy dance*
What this means is that we are ready for a referral now from Ch!na. I think I'm still in shock that we actually got this news so fast. Stay tuned...I'll update more soon! :)

Friday, December 6, 2013


  The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it. 
1 Thessalonians 5:24
 Yes, He will. It's hard to believe that we are at this point now and that I can actually write that our dossier is on its way to Chin@. Seriously, someone pinch me! :)
 "THE" email:
The news came as I was waiting in the hair salon this afternoon. As soon as I read the words, the tears came. I could not even finish reading the whole email before I had to text the good news to friends and family. The sweet receptionist asked if I was okay, and I had to assure her that my tears were tears of joy. 
We celebrated by eating Chinese take out for dinner, of course!, and we planned to send a pink and purple lantern off into the night sky (to Ch*na with the dossier) with wishes for Lia Grace written on them but it was too windy. We will send them off another evening this weekend. Our neighbor, Jen, was so gracious and took the photos for us to document this milestone. Thank you, Jen, for blessing us with this gift! We are so appreciative.  

When I look back on this journey, there were days when I wondered if we'd ever make it to this point. The time seemed to stand still. It was during those idol hours that the questions and doubts crept in and it was in those same idol hours that I could hear the voice of God even louder. The doubts and hesitations were removed just as quickly as they came and the peace was restored.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

*For Lia Grace:
Your big brother and big sister painted the letters DTC and made the date for you. They are so excited to meet you and can't wait to do all the things that siblings do together. Your brother says that he can't wait to "teach you things" and your sister says that she wants "to be in charge of your clothes and your hair". Yes, Emma is dressed. Your brother and sister saw that costume and wanted her to wear it for Halloween this year in honor of YOU! We decided to wait until this milestone to actually let Emma wear it so that it would not get damaged. Lia Grace, have I told you lately how much you are loved?