Today I finished the care package preparations and sent them to Ch*na! I made sure the contents were carefully labeled (in Pinyin!), organized, and then boxed up exactly as our agency specified. One box was for the nannies, orphanage director, and Lia's friends, and the other box was for our girl. I sent Lia Grace some new outfits, a soft book with pictures of "us", and a cuddly blankie with her Chinese name and birthday embroidered on it (that I have been sleeping with the past week) Wonder if I'll rest tonight without it? For Lia and her friends I sent dum dum lollipops, peanut butter crackers, fruit snacks, biscuit type cookies, and individually wrapped trail mix. (Food is a HUGE need where she is. The children are sadly malnourished and are very hungry. I tried to send snacks that were full of vitamins, protein rich, and not full of sugar. Ok, the dum dums were my splurge for the little loves.) I sent a scarf to the orphanage director, a variety pack of lip glosses and shortbread cookies to the nannies. I also included 2 disposable cameras and am praying that the nannies will use them to take some pictures of our lil empress on our behalf.
A glimpse into lil love's package minus the blankie....

The boxes are guaranteed to arrive by next Friday, July 4th. Yep, I have tracking numbers, and I will be "package tracking" stalking for the next week. *winks*
This afternoon we received the BEST email yet. Our agency had received the hard copy of our LOA from Ch*na. As soon as we were able to, we printed off our copy, signed it, and faxed it right back. We have never been so worried about making a mistake with our signatures and correctly signing a piece of paper-ha! We couldn't check the box, " We accept the adoptee mentioned above." fast enough! Of course we accept her! She was ours from caller ID last Wednesday-ha! ;)
Lia Grace MengYi you are OURS!
You are no longer an orphan.
You are a daughter, little sister, grand daughter, cousin, niece, "bonus" daughter,
friend, precious family member!
You are a child of God who will be loved for the rest of your days. No matter what.
You will NEVER be without your family.
We love YOU!
"Not flesh of my flesh. Not bone of my bone. But still miraculously my own.
And never forget for a minute. You were not born under my heart.
You were born in my heart. " ~ Unknown
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