Over the weekend we went shopping at Babies R Us, Target, Marshall's, and TJ Maxx (why of course she will be a Maxxinista!) We carefully shopped and picked out what we thought would be the perfect items for her. Big brother found some adorable outfits and Big sister found the book that we are putting our pictures in so Lia will get to see our faces long before she is in our arms.
Daddy looked at the essentials and studied how they all stacked up on their safety ratings. Pretty patterns and "fluff" were not important. It was the structure that counted, and I am thankful for a husband that takes so much time to inspect and question every detail. Not sure the sweet salesman in Babies R Us felt the same-ha!
On Sunday after church we took the big kids to get their photos for their new passports and visas to enter Ch*na. Epic Mom Fail. Remember how I really did not anticipate being matched anytime soon? Well, I let their passports expire. Yep, you read it right. Both of their passports expired in May so we have to get them renewed and expedited. No worries though, that detailed oriented mister of mine is on it. He applied on line last Friday and we are taking care of the rest tomorrow morning. It will all be fine.

The two older kids had their well checks already scheduled so while we were there we got clearance letters from their pediatrician stating that they are healthy enough for "international travel". Those letters were promptly mailed back to our agency.
Same nurse from last year!
We also worked on the final stretch of paperwork (I-800, I-864, I-800 Supp 1, and various other agency required forms) that were needed to get her home, and we ordered her adoption announcement. It turned out adorable, and we love it! Thank you to Samantha @ lemonsthatarepink.
On Tuesday early morning, we received our "soft" LOA (Letter of Acceptance). This is HUGE! The LOA is essentially Ch*na saying "YES!" to us. The Ch*nese government has granted us permission to adopt this precious child into our family. We should receive our hard copy sometime within the next week or so. Once again, we are amazed at what God has done and what He continues to do for our family. It is so much fun being a part of His plan for your life!
"Every good and every perfect gift is from above"
James 1:17
*Lia Grace,
You are loved and prayed for. We are working so hard to get you home baby girl. Every night I pray this scripture over your big brother and sister, and I prayed it over you before I even saw your sweet face. Store it away, hide it in your heart. In your hardest times and darkest hours, He will sustain you.
Lia Grace, my youngest love, the Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord shine His face upon you and be gracious to you, and may He turn His face toward you and give you peace. (Num. 6: 24)
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