Wednesday the 10th was our travel day. It was a very long day but uneventful, and for that, we are thankful. :)
We decided that since we had to be up very early for our departure we would just stay up all night so we could *try* to get on Ch!na's time sooner than later. Tuesday night we ordered pizzas, ran a few last minute errands, and finished the packing. My good friend Angela, who is also an adoptive mom, drove us to the airport. We met her and her husband at 4 AM at a Waffle House on the way to the airport and she hopped in our vehicle. What a blessing it was and we are so appreciative that she saved us the expense of airport parking fees. Thank you again Angela!
Our plane departed at 7:30 AM Wednesday. We flew from Atlanta to Detroit then from Detroit to Be!jing. Here are a few pics from the ride over.
We came to our hotel and got checked in. The hotel is lovely and is very "Western". For a moment you could easily forget that you aren't in the USA. Well until you need a roll-away bed delivered or the connecting doors unlocked. Ha! Trying to converse was quite humorous but we were able to accomplish both tasks.
Remember my special group of mommas that I referred to when we got Lia's referral? Well, "overseas momma" is in our travel group and we finally were able to meet for the first time. It was an awesome moment and one that we had been waiting for! She and her husband came down to our room, chatted for a while, and discussed how we couldn't believe that we were finally here.
Our girls are in the same SWI so you'll see more pics of her and her sweet mister throughout our trip. Since our referrals, our paperwork has stayed in sync, and I truly believe it's been God ordained. He knew that our girls would need each other and that M and I would need each other. Anyway, meet M.
We met up with another sweet family from our travel group and went to a restaurant our guide recommended for dinner. It was comical to say the least. Besides the language barrier, we (my family) did not know how to use chopsticks, and we all found out that napkins are not a usual part of what is provided. We did eventually get some, but I am pretty sure the locals got a giggle out of us! Here are a few pics from dinner~
After dinner we went to the night market. Thankfully we had already eaten. But, I can assure you that if it crawls, walks, slithers, flies, swims, or is involved in reproduction (yes, I am serious!) it can be found on a stick.
Pictures from the streets as we walked~
Organized dancing in the church courtyard at 10 pm anyone? Why not? It is so random seeming but we witnessed this on a few street corners. I later asked our guide about it and was told that it is for entertainment and exercise. 10pm? Ok then!
Some of the forms of transportation we saw as we walked. It is so diverse!
We ended the night by going to the 7-11 for bottled water to keep in our room.
Our hotel...
Our room is on the 7th floor and overlooks the courtyard area.
Our first night was perfect. I am beyond grateful for traveling mercies and that we are here safe. I am in awe that we are finally on the same continent as our daughter and now just days away from meeting her.
Please continue the prayers. Please pray that she will know who we are, trust us, and allow us to provide comfort to her while she grieves. Please pray for her health and heart. Please pray for the children who will never know the love of a family. We covet and appreciate your prayers more than you will ever know!
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