"The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."
~ Lao Tzu
Besides all the initial paper chasing, there have been other "steps" that we had to complete in order to bring Lia Grace home.
There were the home study visits. Here is a picture of our social worker meeting with our children.
(I wish I would have snapped a few pics when she was at the house. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20!)
She also had to speak with Brandon, our oldest, over the phone since he is not local, and he had to complete some paperwork as well.
We completed parent training.
We took family pictures for the Dossier. Our neighbor, and friend, Marie blessed us abundantly with that gift. Again, a huge "THANK YOU!" to Marie for taking all of our family pictures. Words cannot express our gratitude to you.

And most importantly, we educated ourselves, and continue to! We read books on parenting adoptive children, began learning about the Chinese culture and traditions, and familiarized ourselves with the HUGE country of Chin@ and the Hen@n province, since we were told that that is most likely where Lia Grace will come from. We also viewed many documentaries on the one child law, child abandonment, and state run institutions in Ch!na. Yes, of course, we talked with other adoptive families and asked LOTS and LOTS of questions. :)

We were not the only ones busy educating ourselves. I "caught" my dad reading one of our books one morning while drinking coffee.
My mom has spent hundreds of hours reading various blogs and has also asked LOTS of questions about adoption and our journey. My parents are supportive, and like us, are anxious to see Lia Grace's sweet face and meet her.
So, as I have stated before, it is a long process. More to come soon! :) But, as always, in the meantime, keep praying...
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